
Conference, Workshop, etc. (2020‐)

October 27, 2023
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Keiko Ito, Chiba University
Title: The Changing Structure of Global Value Chains and Technological Change: Evidence from the Firm-Level Patent Data

Presenter 2: Benjamin Keddad, Paris School of Business
Title: Global and regional stock market spillovers during the COVID-19 pandemic context: an Asian perspective
September 22, 2023
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Nathalie Ferrière, Sciences Po Aix and AMSE
Title: US family planning and fertility in Kenya

Presenter 2: Yushi Yoshida, Shiga University
Title: Invoice currency choice: strategic complementarities and currency matching
June 23, 2023
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Laura Hering, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Title: Is there a bright side to the China syndrome? Rising export opportunities and life satisfaction in China

Presenter 2: Takashi Matsuki, Ryukoku University
Title: Revisiting output convergence and economic growth determinants in OECD and some emerging countries
May 12, 2023
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Kazunobu Hayakawa, Bangkok Research Center, IDE, Thailand
Title: The Trade Effect of Regional Trade Agreements in the Presence of Duty Drawbacks

Presenter 2: Balázs Égert, OECD Economics Department; EconomiX at the University of Paris X-Nanterre, and CESifo
Title: A new macroeconomic measure of human capital exploiting PISA and PIAAC: Linking education policies to productivity
April 21, 2023
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Erica Perego, CEPII
Title: World interest rates and macroeconomic adjustment in developing commodity-producing countries

Presenter 2: Akira Kohsaka, Osaka University
Title: Leap-frogging Industrialization? Structural Transformation and Development Strategies
March 3, 2023
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Jun NAGAYASU, Tohoku University
Title: Democratic Transitions, Breakdowns, and Economic Growth

Presenter 2: Yannick DUPRAZ, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Title: Linguistic distance and migration in India
February 10, 2023
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Bernard THOMANN, French Research Institute on Japan
Title: The "living wage” at the center of the social compromise of high-growth Japan?
January 20, 2023
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Willem THORBECKE, Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry (RIETI)
Title: East Asian and European Firms: Comrades or Competitors

Presenter 2: Bruno VENTELOU, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Title: Hysteresis in alcohol consumption trajectories after lockdown: the power of time preferences
January 7, 2023
RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint-Workshop (Online) on "Exchange Rate and International Currency”
December 16, 2022
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Taiyo YOSHIMI, Chuo University
Title: Payment Method and Invoice Currency: Evidence from Turkish Textile and Clothing Exports

Presenter 2: Magali DUMONTET, University of Paris Nanterre
Title: Let the students choose? Medical specialty and location preferences compared with supply of residency position
November 18, 2022
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Neha DEOPA, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Title: Sacred ecology: the environmental impact of African traditional religions

Presenter 2: Takamitsu KURITA, Kyoto Sangyo University
Title: Structural relationships between cryptocurrency prices and monetary policy indicators
October 21, 2022
French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (FJWE), co-organized by Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), Sciences Po-Aix, and the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Yokohama National University.

Presenter 1: Frédérique BEC, University of Cergy Pontoise
Title: Power of unit root tests against nonlinear and noncausal alternatives

Presenter 2: Craig PARSONS, Yokohama National University
Title: The Effect of GVC Participation on Greenfield FDI: An Industry-level Analysis
January 17, 2022
RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint-Workshop (Online) on "Exchange Rate, Currency and Trade”
December 6, 2020
RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint Workshop (Online) on "Exchange Rate and International Currency”