1 | Shrestha, Nagendra and Kiyotaka Sato, 2021. "Global and regional shock transmission: an Asian perspective,” Journal of Economic Structures, 10, Article Number 27. |
2 | Kawasaki, Kentaro and Kiyotaka Sato, 2021. "A New Assessment of Economic Integration in East Asia: Application of an Industry-Specific G-PPP Model,” Japan and the World Economy, 60, 101105. |
3 | Montfaucon, Angella Faith, Kiyotaka Sato, Nagendra Shrestha and Craig Parsons, 2021. "Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Invoicing Currency Choice between Fixed and Floating Exchange Rate Regimes: Evidence from Malawi’s Transaction-Level Data,” Economic Analysis and Policy, 72, pp. 562-577. |
1 | Sato, Kiyotaka, Junko Shimizu, Nagendra Shrestha, Shajuan Zhang, 2020. "New Empirical Assessment of Export Price Competitiveness: Industry-specific Real Effective Exchange Rates in Asia,” North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 54, 101262. |
2 | Nguyen, Thi-Ngoc Anh and Kiyotaka Sato, 2020. "Invoice Currency Choice, Nonlinearities and Exchange Rate Pass-Through,” Applied Economics, 52(10), pp. 1048-1069. |