
Conference, Workshop, etc. (‐2019)

December 18, 2019
RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint-Workshop on "Current Issues in the World Economy: Exchange Rate, Invoice Currency, Price Transmission and Localization” (RIETI, Tokyo)
December 13, 2019
YNU-AMSE Joint Workshop on "Exchange Rate, Trade, and Productivity in Asia and the World” (Yokohama National University, Yokohama)
December 7-8, 2018
The 4th International Conference on China’s Rise and Internationalization: Challenges and Impacts Regionally and Globally (Ningbo, China), co-organized by Edith Cowan University, KU Leuven, Ningbo University, and CESSA
December 1, 2018
RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint-Workshop "Topics on International Finance: Exchange Rate and Currency” (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing)
December 1, 2017
RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint-Workshop on "Issues over Currency and Exchange Rate: Empirical Studies on China and Japan” (RIETI, Tokyo)
November 19, 2016
RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint-Workshop on "Exchange Rate and International Currency: Perspective from China and Japan”
July 8-9, 2016
2016 ECU-YNU International Conference on "China’s Rise and Regional Integration in East Asia” (Yokohama National University, Yokohama)
December 14, 2015
RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint-Workshop on "RMB Internationalization” (RIETI, Tokyo)
December 13-14, 2014
RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint-Workshop on "Industry-Specific REER and Pass-Through Effect in Economic Integration between China and Japan” (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing)
November 27-29, 2014
2014 Asia Pacific Business Conference on Free Trade Agreements and Regional Integration in East Asia: Prospects, Challenges and Implications (Perth, Australia)
November 18, 2013
RIETI-CASS-CESSA Joint-Workshop on "Industry-Level Exchange Rate and Asian Integration: Focus on the Relation between China and Japan” (RIETI, Tokyo)
June 7, 2013
CESSA-wiiw Joint International Workshop on New Industry-Level Analysis in Asia and Europe: Integration, Value Chains and Competitiveness (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), Viena)
October 27-28, 2012
RIETI-CASS-CESSA Joint-Workshop on "Establishing Surveillance Indicators for Monetary Cooperation between China and Japan” (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing)